Lane Crawford exclusively launches limited edition Zuny animal paperweights to raising fund for Hong Kong based Children’s Cancer Foundation. Actually, Zuny is a company specialized in the design of simple, genial and creative leather-made home accessories. This collection consists six different animals—reindeer, monkey, bear, mouse, elephant and giraffe; all with its own characteristic and promise to inject a touch of fun and quirkiness to anyone’s home.

A different animal launches separately from 7th November to 25th December, 2009 in all Lance Crawford stores. Customer can directly buy each of them at a price of HK$200 but for those who have spent HK$1800 in Lane Crawford can make a purchase at a lower price—HK$ 120. Sales promotion, purchase with purchase program, is used to complement this cause marketing activity.
In order to better draw the attention of visitors in Lance Crawford stores, installation of the enlarged Zuny family is ocated in stores.

Therefore multi-beneficial condition is created including the image of Lane Crawford is improved, the popularity of Zuny is raised, the fund for Children is generated, the shopping experiences of customers are sweetened and the working attitudes of sale associates are fruited.
By Sophia