2009年11月3日 星期二

A new perfume

How would you promote if a new perfume is launched? Normally, we will see some salesperson distributing a card with the perfume sprayed on it. That is passive and not really that effective. The salesperson just stay at a particular site, waiting the pedestrian to get a sample. Sometimes people just pass-by but not interested in getting one sample. Even though the sample is distribute at a very busy area, the exposure is still relative low relative to the whole city's residence.

Recently, I saw a perfume advertisement of ISSEY MIYAKE in a magazine. It is very simple in the sense of graphic. A plain background featuring with the perfume bottle. But the little rectangular lid catches my eye. What is it under that tiny lid? Of course, I have an answer in my mind. But still, I will open it to check I am correct or not. It is very normal that any one would be curious in finding the answer. Finally, I found that the answer was the same as my guess. And eventually, every reader would have smelled the scent of that perfume just like me.

May be you would argue that it was not a trick, but only work functionally to keep the scent and not wetting the other page. Yes, it is sure that the lid serve these function. Assume this is the only reason for placing the lid. Using magazine to promote a perfume with sample is also a fresh and effective idea. This is the first time I see this kind of advertising method. May be to some readers, it is not new. But i guess, a least some readers haven't seen it before like me. It is still innovative to some readers. And for the readers who already knew this trick. They would also open it to smell the new product. They do not get any loss by doing so.

The targeting group of readers of a magazine may probably quite larger. The chance of hitting someone to take a smell of the new perfume may be much larger than distributing samples on the street. It is more effective in the sense of hitting the audience interest. Besides that, no matter with the salesperson or not, the company would still launch advertisements in the magazines to tell the public a new perfume is launched. So this way may probably cost effective. And the effect of these kind of advertisement would be definitely better than just illustrate the perfume bottle on a page.


