This example shows that picture really speaks louder than words. With the help or promotion by the celebrities, product can more easily to increase awareness and induce discussion among the public. No matter Karl and Naco-Paris have achieve agreement for the photo-shooting, or just Karl making a joke for himself, the photo has already create a noise and benefit to both parties.
For me, if Karl Lagerfeld does not carry the tote bag, I would not get notice of it. Because there are so many street wear brands using the logo of luxury brands, or name of celebrities to arouse people's awareness and attention. But when Karl carries the tote bag on himself, it can really capture my attention. Adding some twist could really help.

Besides the “Karl Who?” Tote Bag, Tee with the same print also available in Harvey Nichols Hong Kong.
Before launching “Karl Who?” print, Naco-Paris has already made noise by doing the same “cheat” on Chanel.
By Macca